Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Reaching Out: A Senior Surreal Photo by Sabrina Kwong (2016)

Mother Nature decides to pay a room a visit, however sees a sad, giant sprouting onion being shamed by other onions. Mother Nature then shares the loneliness of what the sprouting onion is feeling and decorates the sprouting onion to become beautiful so that the onion begins to accept who it is. Since flowers make you smile, Mother Nature is making it so the giant sprouting onion can shine with the other beautiful flowers. The story I wanted to present was that Mother Nature will always be beside and if we don't connect back with it, we will lose the connection to its beauty. Another view would be that conformity is not always beautiful, but who you truly are is.

For my surrealism project, I took an HDR photo of a large bathroom window, photos of flowers, a person's hand, a telephone pole, and a sprouting onion. I then edited the piece in Adobe Photoshop and got the chance to experiment with the tools in the software. I wanted to create an effect of a hand reaching out for another flower and both share a feeling, hence the loss of color between parts of the flower and the color symbolizing that sense of loneliness. The struggle I faced when creating my surrealistic photo was putting many photos and ideas together without the photo losing its composition. I eventually decided to eliminate some ideas and photos to keep what fit the mood of the photo.
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