Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Move: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Charlotte Laurance (2017)

During the process of creating my comic, The Move, I think I grew a lot regarding my skills in Illustrator. I learned a lot about using the layers and pen tools to create my artwork. When it comes to what I struggled with I would say I had a hard time with figuring out how to make my drawing look more realistic rather than just flat and boring. I also struggled with only using the pen tool, but eventually got used to it. If I could change something I think I would have left more room for the title. It is a little squished and is not totally what I was envisioning. I also would have worked harder to make sure my perspective was correct in all my panels. I know that it is not completely right in all of them. I am most proud of the color scheme and mood that I conveyed throughout my comic. I turned out how I wanted it to for the most part. This project taught me a lot about the importance of layers in Illustrator. I also definitely gained a lot of new skills on formatting and laying out a project before I actually begin it which I know will be useful to me not only in my future freestyle project, but for other tasks in general that I may have to complete.
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