Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Maple Fever: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Chase Randolph (2017)

During this project I came to understand the time old phase less is more and how excessive detail can derail me from the final goal. When I work on a project I enter into a perfectionist mind frame that entails my mind to pay attention to every attribute of the artwork. During this project when after we drew the entire comic we then had to burnish it. Then trace it with sharpie. Then color it in. And after scanning it into illustrator and making upwards of 100 panels it was finally finished. Every irrelevant detail became to excessive and took me off course, Only after leaving behind the detail I could learn to emphasize what stands out and live up to realistic expectations. This struggle was what made me grow into a more productive person. If I could change it I would choose colors with a stronger hue to show contrast over Red and Blue to represent the protagonists conflict of contrasting goals of getting to the maple tree for maple syrup or to skate again. I am proud of the perspective drawings because after learning how to draw 1P interior perspective and 2p exterior perspective I was finally able to apply it and use it to give dimension to the drawing after all the struggles of learning how to do it right. I can apply the skills I used in this project like less is more to complete it by a deadline and the importance of being in an environment where I can truthfully focus. This project made me see that others art has much more steps and a much longer progress then simply drawing. Simply drawing is only the first step. This made me truthfully appreciate the final project because it allows me to imagine the effort that was used to complete the final piece.
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