Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Mines: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Eli Bates (2017)

This project was a very long process it went through many different stages. First, it was a flash fiction we wrought in our English class. Then, it was a graphic novel we drew for homework that was about 3 pages. Next, we took the rising action and shortened it down to about 6 panels and sketched them into our not books. We then transferred it to an artboard after making our layouts. And finally, we transferred it to the computer in adobe illustrator. After doing this entire project I had a lot more respect for artwork including animations movies and any other forms of art. I feel like The work we did is very valuable because it gave us a lot of practice with all of the tools we learned. My biggest struggle was I had a very hard time adding small details and I didn't have enough time to add all the small details. I'm proud of this project I think for my first time ever doing this I did a pretty good job. My biggest struggle with this project is I'm not that good of an artist the animation and the computer stuff is what I prefer so doing the flash fiction, and the drawing was hard for me. I do understand that it's a major part of the process but it was definitely the hardest part for me. Next, time I do something like this I would like to add more detail to each panel and have a more interesting story.
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