Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Stick It: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Hallie Olson (2017)

Over the course of this project, I strongly believe that I expanded my knowledge on technology, specifically Illustrator. I am normally not a comic artist so drawing on a tablet was a completely new process for me. Because of this, I had to remain focused and patient throughout the entirety of the project. At first, this was a difficult task for me, but as the project progressed, I got more and more comfortable with the technology.

The topic I was focusing on, the discrimination of women in the workplace, is one that I am very interested in. When I am passionate about a project, I put all my effort towards making it the best it can be. However, I am a perfectionist when it comes to my art. It has been a bit difficult for me to create this comic freely because I am too focused on what I want the finished product to look like before I even begin. For the future I need to work on trusting the process and being flexible when facing challenges I run into with my projects.

I am most proud of the second to last panel. It was challenging for me to draw the shape of the gymnast’s body moving through the air accurately, especially since I have no prior experience with gymnastics. It was a risk a took and one that I believe paid off. If I could change something about this project it would be the middle section. I could have experimented more with different angles and paid closer attention to my backgrounds.
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