Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lost In The Chase: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Janeth Palma Cuesta (2017)

Starting this piece, I really had no idea the amount of work comic artists put into their art. Initially, I struggled with not having confidence in my artistic abilities and being uncomfortable branching out into this new medium. The learning curve that Illustrator posed discouraged me from truly putting my best work out there, making the process seem more tedious than fun. However, as the days passed, I saw the value of the work and fell into a work rhythm that was easy and enjoyable.

If I were ever to do this again , I would pay more attention to the small details such as windows, shading, and choosing colors for my aesthetic. I would make the colors softer and less vibrant, giving the piece a mellow and toned down feel. Additionally, the way I drew the objects in no particular order caused me time later on, so next time I would also start from the back to the front of the panel just to make things easier for me.

Over the course of this project, I saw an idea in my head turn into a short story, and then followed that idea from the literal drawing board to the final stages of production. To see an idea go from just a thought to finished project after hours of work is something that is hard to surpass, and the time spent on it is well worth it.
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