Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Reification: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Mikele Baugh (2017)

When I began this comic, I had very little experience in Photoshop and practically no experience in Illustrator. This assignment presented not only a technical challenge but a creative one. I had to express the most important aspects of my narrative in a mere eight panels. Overall, I had to compile my storytelling and design capabilities into the final product I have today. This project required me to apply new design principles that I had learned in class. One such was the principle of linear perspective. I had done drawings using linear perspective before, but always on paper, never in a computer program. I had found to my surprise, that it was in some ways, easier. For one thing, it eliminated the use of rulers, which I find to always cause trouble at some point. Even despite this improvement, I still had trouble because of my inexperience with the program Illustrator. There were moments when I found myself struggling with the pen, layers, and at times even the line tool. Luckily in the end I was able to develop my skills, especially while using the pen tool to create outlines, and ultimately pull together the comic that I wanted.

This comic has been a great achievement for me. Gaining experience in Illustrator, learning new design techniques, and developing my literary abilities are just some of the few things that have resulted from it. I am proud of this comic, which I have worked so hard to design, refine, and complete. It has opened me up to the countless possibilities for my future projects and ambitions. Through these new possibilities, I will continue to be able to grow in my abilities and knowledge of design and Adobe applications. Because I better understand the process and the steps necessary for completion, I have come to have a greater appreciation for all of the digital art I see.
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