Freestyle Academy proudly presents

After Love Life: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Sarah Chiu (2017)

This assignment allowed me to grow a lot by learning a lot about Adobe Illustrator. I struggled a lot to work with the pen tool in ways where I could fill in my characters, shapes and objects in the comic. I had to go back and change a lot of the work that I had a completed in class and this caused me to learn a lot about what how I should be using the pen tool in the future. If I could change anything about the comic now I would change the coloring of it all. Each one is such a strong color so I would like some of them softer to highlight others so that they could be better emphasized to help the story. I would do this by simply being smarter about the color scheme and my choice of shades and tones. From this project I learned a lot about efficiency and how to make the most of time when it comes to working with Illustrator and graphic novels. I think that the knowledge I gained from this project will help me in future projects at Freestyle Academy or other areas of education. This project has made me see others art as much more impressive. I have a lot more empathy for the artist now and I can a look at art and see what might have been the biggest struggle for the artist or what would have been a struggle for me creating the piece and it makes me appreciate that this type of artwork so much more.
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