Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lost: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Siqi Shao (2017)

This story is about a girl who experiences a life changing tragedy and overcomes the loss of her mother through her long lost father. I grew as an writer by realizing that trimming down my story made it more focused and engaging. Throughout the development of this project I was overly ambitious. I struggled with the development of the story, and how the comic would uniquely manifest each scene to its full potential. I overcame these problems by selecting keywords in each scene and purposely focusing the artwork to illustrate these key components.

I think if I were able to change one thing in this project, it would be to more effectively convey emotion with a minimal numbers of scenes. What I'm most proud of with this project is the final visual product. I think this project really developed my ability to eliminate unimportant aspects and focus on amplifying key components in any story or project.

Working on this project taught me how to be flexible and adaptive when I run into problems, which helped me morph the structure of my story over time. Working on this comic taught me to appreciate art more, after experiencing the process of creating it myself.
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