Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Glory: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Kelvin Garcia (2017)

Raised in a spaceship, Nakel prepares for the biggest birthday present of his lifetime. Although he might’ve asked for more than what he wished for. His three crewmates: Olli, Jenny, and their newest member, Baby Leo, can’t wait to embark on a new journey discovering this new frontier. What happens next changes their lives forever.

For my book jacket I wrote a short story called Glory, which sets in space of 4 crew members. The main character Nakel was born on a planet during a war as he was given away to two people Jenny and Olli, they take Nakel into space where he is raised in a spaceship for his entire life. On his 24th birthday he was given a surprise to get on a planet. This would be his very first time getting on a planet after his birth. I wrote this story with as much context as possible showing that it was in space but I challenged myself by not using the words “Planet” or “World” which I’ve felt I accomplished completely. When creating the book Jacket I didn't initially wanted to create space, a planet, and a spaceship because that would obviously give away the ambiguity that I was trying to accomplish. Although simply having the title as just “Glory” it didn't feel like something that was going to have people understand the context unless the book was actually picked up. In the end I’ve created space, a spaceship, and a planet to introduce the syfy visual of the story.
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