Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Burnt Out: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Shayla Tonge (2017)

When Jake Larsen, a thirtysomething marketing guy, arrives home from extended vacation, he finds his house burnt to the ground. With the biggest marketing gala of his entire career fast approaching, his car gone, and his pushover boss breathing down his neck, and his roommate nowhere to be found, how will Jake steer his way out of this jam? Will Jake ever find a way to stand up to his boss?

This project was a really different experience that the other projects we have done. It was not only a piece of art but also a piece with commercial and marketing intents. I definitely had to get into an entirely different mindset. I really love the toned down color scheme I chose to reflect the vibe of the book. I’m proud of the creative progression I made despite the challenges. If I had to change anything I would have added a more intricate design on the cover. I wanted to introduce matches as a design element, however I simply did not have the time to do so. I think this project will help me see art not only as a beautiful way to express but also as a way to reflect ideas and compel people to action.
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