Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Impatience: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Isabella Clements Leedeman (2017)

II am exploring the feeling of impatience when watching children play.

In the photograph, the objects I chose to represent my concept statement were a teddy bear and rope. The teddy bear represents a child. Adults often contradict their emotions towards kids therefore the teddy bear is tied up to a playground to show how often times adults want children to stay young. Whereas the shadows portray the impatience adults feel when waiting for a child to grow up. I chose to use a playground as the background to help reinforce the teddy bear being a child.

This photograph exemplifies my concept statement by using the teddy bear to emphasize the innocence of childhood and using the rope and the looming shadow to convey the contradicting emotions adults feel towards kids when watching them play. Sometimes adults want children to play and stay kids but other times when watching children play they are making a mess or they aren’t listening which would causes the feeling of impatience in adults.

After taking the photo I used Adobe Photoshop to further improve my picture. In the original photo, the teddy bear has a tag on its leg and I removed it using the patch feature. Another edit I made on the right of the picture was patching the hard lines of my camera’s shadow using the same patch tool. In class we are taught to take the best picture possible in order to avoid too many edits. Consequently, I did not spend much time editing in Photoshop
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