Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Piss the Ring: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Katelyn Bernardo (2017)

I am experiencing the feeling of scorn through the experience of compromise.

I chose a ring to exemplify compromise because in relationships, especially in marriages, both parties must make compromises in order for the relationship to work. I decided on a ring with a huge, gaudy pink jewel to portray the disgust that can be felt towards making concessions. As one might be repulsed by a flashy ring, one may be appalled by a compromise’s false promise of a better future. Additionally, one may not be completely satisfied by its conditions and will do anything to win. In terms of scorn, I decided to use fake urine in a toilet because of the immaturity and disrespect demonstrated through urinating on something. Though childish, like narrow-mindedness in an argument, it still conveys the message of pure animosity. The ring placed in the urine exhibits this hatred towards compromise. In addition to tangible objects, I also used lighting and angles to demonstrate my concept. I shot from a downward-side angle to mimic the feelings of superiority expressed in scorn. This way, I am quite literally “looking down” on compromise. In regards to lighting, I directed the light on the ring while leaving its surroundings relatively dark. Darkness is interminable if not ended by light as fights are interminable if not ended by compromise. The darkness surrounding the ring threatens to swallow it up. If we allow scorn to overcome us, then the possibilities of compromise disappear.

These aspects combine to create a photograph that ultimately conveys the different facets of my concept statement. It demonstrates the fight between compromise and argument. It is separation versus union, light versus dark, a luxurious ring versus dirty urine. The contrast between the elements in my photograph conveys this tension between the two, and scorn is winning this battle.

In Photoshop, I essentially made the ring and pool of urine brighter while making its surroundings darker. I made it darker by adding a black vignette, and I made the ring brighter by making a selection with the pen tool. I also made the pink ring a little more vibrant by using a red filter on the ring. By making this selection, I was able to make the ring shine and stand out more. Finally, I used the Dodge and Burn tool to emphasis its shadows and highlights, adding more depth and emphasis to the ring. Other than the ring, I sharpened the photo a bit to enhance the grime of the toilet. It juxtaposed it with ring's opulence, further contributing to my photo’s theme of contrast.
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