Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Conceptual: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Samantha Levy (2017)

I am exploring the feeling of relief through the experience of sharing.

Stuffed animals represent actively giving something you have to someone else out of the kindness of your heart. A cell phone represents sharing as well, just a different type, emotional sharing. I added wires and cords to add visual interest and leading lines, but also to show connectivity. I took this photo in my bedroom since both stuffed animals and phones are natural homes in bedrooms and my bright pink carpet added to the uneasiness of the photo. I took the photo in front of my window to provide good lighting on an overcast day when the sun gave off cool light. I took the photo from slightly above eye level so the phone could be better seen and so that the background was mostly the pink carpet.

Since stuffed animals are childhood toys they represent children learning to share. We also share our thoughts, feelings, and opinions through our phones. Video and picture sharing is also best represented through a cell phone. Just having an outlet, like a cell phone or social media, where you can express these ideas is a relief. A phone also represents relief from the stress caused by storing thoughts in your own head.

In camera RAW I desaturated the colors of the photo and added a small vignette. I also lowered the clarity slightly to make the stuffed animals look fluffier. In Photoshop I adjusted the saturation of specific parts of the photo, like the stuffed animal bat. I increased the vibrance of the colors slightly and made the vignette more noticeable.
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