Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Christian McDermott (2017)

My object was a skateboard and I specifically zoomed in on the right wheel of the skateboard while including some of the truck of the skateboard in the photo. Also a part of the photo I liked was the background to the left of it. It’s hard to tell but it is actually a supreme sticker on the back of my car and I think it provides a good alternative focal point and good color to the overall photo. It was morning lighting around 10:00 am so the sun wasn’t at its peak light or heat yet. The actual deck of the skateboard and the purple, colors, and design of it make it very visually appealing to me and that is one of the reasons I picked that deck for skateboard in the first place. I also thought about the angle and determined that just getting a little bit of the supreme sticker and putting the wheel in the right corner of the photography grid got me the best shot. I took a couple of shots that were similar and included the whole sticker but I felt like the uniqueness of the photo and that angle would work the best.

First thing I love doing in photoshop is trying to get the colors to pop as much as they can. I use levels such as curves and vibrance to darken the photo slightly and to make all the colors stand out more. After the color increase I noticed the wheel looked way too yellow and gross so I selected it and decreased the vibrance to less than the original which I felt made it way better. After that I used the rubber eraser tool to erase some of the extra scratches on the deck of the board. I could not get all of them because some were too big but I felt like this and all the overall edits I did in Photoshop made the final production as best as I could.
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