Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport Photo: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Christian Lanni (2017)

The object I used in my photograph was the wheel of a Trashcan, taken outside with the point of view from the ground. I took the picture in dark light, then amped the brightness up to give the image a relative feeling of glow. The placement was decided by the backdrop, the greens behind the wheel gave a living feel to the image that needed to be at the specific viewpoint to instill the feeling I wanted. Choosing the wheel of a trashcan was by happenstance, As objects of possibility were being surveyed, the use of the wheel of a Trashcan appeared both ironic, and a challenge.

In Adobe Photoshop, I learned a basic understanding of how to edit photos. I learned how to darken or lighten an image, how to make images look old and withered, or young, how to edit specific sections of a photo and not others, and much more. For this photo specifically, what most helped the photo was the use of the Brightness and Contrast tool. The image I originally took was too dark, so lightening the photo made the image more enjoyable to the eye. I also used the Selection Tool to darken a specific portion of the photo, to drag the eye away from said portion, and move the eye more to the wheel.
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