Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transportation: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Elayna Parkhurst (2017)

The object in my photograph is a miniature version of a biplane. I put the biplane on a mirror that was outside to take the photograph. Part of the appeal of the biplane was all of the holes in it because it made the object more interesting. By putting it on the mirror, I wanted to use the sky’s reflection to almost make it look as if it is flying, but also include the reflection of the plane, power lines, and a bush to give the photo more depth. I wanted to use the biplane in my photo because it is the original form of the airplane and it is also a non-motorized form of the airplane. It served as the stepping stone for the air travel that we all experience today.

In Photoshop I learned about the importance of selections. The difference between and good and bad photo can all come down to how good your selection is. I applied this knowledge when making a selection of the whole biplane in the photo so that I could make it brighter and pop more in the photo. Another Photoshop skill I learned is the importance of cropping. Although you should always get the best photo you can and focus on framing, cropping is still a very useful tool to clean up the edges of a photo and focus in on the main part of a photo. In Photoshop I cropped out the very top of the photo because it drew too much attention from the biplane and straightened out the photo because the biplane was crooked. A third skill I learned was the magic eraser tool. There were a few black dots on the mirror because it was a little dirty and I was able to get rid of those with the magic eraser to make clean up the photo.
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