Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport Artist Statement: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Elijah Confortola (2017)

My picture was a colorful bike in a suburban neighborhood. I shot with the back wheel close to the lens and the background bland and colorless. I thought that shooting from the angle that I did would make the picture more interesting to look at. It also made the leading lines on the bike stand out. I shot with a bland background to emphasize the colors on the bike through contrast. I chose this particular bicycle because it had nostalgic, fun colors. My large aperture allowed for a low depth of field that left only the bike in focus.

In photoshop, I used only two tools to edit my picture. I used the pen tool and the crop tool. I used the crop tool to emphasize the chains and bolt of the bike with the rule of thirds because that is the focal point of my image. I used the pen tool to select the majority of the background of my image and bring down the saturation. This gave my background an even more dull, sad feel which brought out the happy colors of the bike even more.
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