Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Jacqueline Owen (2017)

I took a picture of my dads old racing bike for this project. In order to get the angle and lighting that I wanted I had to position the bike in a unique way. I took a ladder and and step stool and positioned it so it would be suspended in the air. Then I used the rule of thirds and focused on the bottom right part of the picture, which was the logo and base of the bike. I took the picture in front of my garage door outside, on my driveway. At first I wasn't getting any shots I liked but kept going until I found a position I liked. I ended up laying in the ground and shooting upward to get an angle not normally looked at by most people. I chose this object because it has so many fun and funny memories tied in with it and the colors and unique features caught my eye.

As for the editing of the photo, it was definitely learning experience. I can’t wait to learn more about photoshop and how to improve my editing skills overtime. To edit my transport photo I tried to really focus in on the logo with the top of the wheel semi in focus. I used the paintbrush to redraw the logos to make them pop more, and a white color that was slightly brighter than the original color to make it really stand out. I also edited the warmth and saturation to make the red a little for, adding different hues and tints to make it really stand out. Using the bandaid tool I was able to get rid of some of the dust, dirt spots and small scratches to make the bike to almost look brand new.
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