Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Kaitlyn Ecklund (2017)

This assignment was to find and take pictures of non-motorized vehicles that have wheels. It could have any amount of wheels needed to function. We were allowed to take pictures of any vehicle with wheels as long as it wasn’t motorized, which meant that we couldn’t take pictures of models of motorized vehicles (i.e models of trains, cars, etc.) either. The main focus of this assignment was to shoot the vehicle, specifically the wheels, at a very unusual angle. The wheel had to be of significance in the photo and had to be in the frame.

The object I chose to photograph was a scooter, specifically getting a shot while the scooter was in mid-air. I chose a scooter because I really wanted to get an action shot with it in the air looking up at it slightly because I thought it’d make for a really unique perspective, since most aren’t lying on the ground when people are on their scooters doing tricks. I took the shot from the ground angling the camera up slightly to make the scooter seem larger than it really is. I took the shot on a tiled floor, which ended up giving me really good leading lines and the tiles were reflected on the bottom of the scooter which is something else I wasn’t expecting but really liked. Therefore, the background was a residential neighborhood, which I wish wasn’t as prominent as to keep the focus on the main subject of the photo, which was the scooter and the wheels. In terms of lighting, I shot with Av so I could get the shallowest depth of field possible and with an ISO of 200, since we were outside and was shooting around dusk as it was getting darker and more overcast. In doing this assignment, I was able to learn more about selections, layers and inverting selections in Photoshop Adobe. I chose to make a selection of the two wheels because I wanted to make sure they were the most significant part of the photo because that was the whole purpose of the assignment. After feathering and saving the selection, I inverted it so that everything except the wheels were selected. I then added a layer that made that inverted selection black and white, to put further emphasis on the wheels and make sure they’re the first thing your eye is drawn to. One thing I learned in doing this was that since it was already a somewhat darker picture, making most of it black and white only made it darker so something I could’ve done to counter that was add a layer of hue and saturation and see if I could’ve made it lighter.
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