Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Amruta Bhavsar (2017)

For this project, we had to find an object with wheels that wasn’t motorized or had an engine. The object I chose to photograph was a Lego toy car. I thought the colors were very bright and contrasted well against each other and would make for an interesting picture. I placed it in-between two branches of a tree because I thought the angle emphasized the wheels and the texture of the bark contrasted with the smooth surface of the wheels and the Lego block. Additionally, the colors of the toy were very unnatural in comparison to the tree and I thought that they would look interesting together. I took this shot in the early afternoon since this area was in the shade and I wanted it to be bright enough.

I didn’t have to do much when photoshopping this image. The colors were bright enough on their own and I didn’t think I needed to saturate or desaturate anything, because even though the toy was bright blue and yellow, I didn’t want all of the photo to be conspicuously unnatural and edited. I started off by cropping the image to abide by the rule of thirds, getting rid of an unnecessary portion of bark. With the healing tool, I cleaned up some blemishes on the Lego part of the car and the off-yellow parts of the wheels so that they would appear smoother and contrast more with the rough texture of the bark. Aside from that and a few lighting adjustments, I didn’t really edit it that much. Regardless, I learned how imperative it is to watch where you’re sampling the color from with the healing tool, as I often went too far away from the color I wanted and had to undo and redo the process several times.
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