Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transported to a Peace of Mind: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Katelyn Bernardo (2017)

I decided to take a photo of a Google bike because of its colorful appearance. To showcase all of its colors and to enhance them, I took the photo in an angle that showed almost all of the bike at around sunset. The bike is laid on the grass to add to the warm and peaceful atmosphere of this picture. There’s something serene about being enveloped in the grass, as if you’re connected to the earth. Overall, a culmination of these elements make the photo feel less industrial and cold.

During this project, I learned the importance of taking photos in raw because most editing is done in that mode. This way, it’s easier to manipulate the image as a whole. On my image, I bumped up the vibrancy and the brightness a bit to accentuate the bike’s colors and the sunlight. I also applied a subtle, light orange filter to enhance the warm atmosphere of the photo. Other than that, I also learned how to use the brush, eyedropper, dodge, and burn tools. I used the brush tool to cover up small distractions in my photo. For example, there was a dark line in an odd place. It was small enough to cover up, yet big enough to be distracting. To solve this issue, I used the eyedropper tool to pick a color around the distraction and the brush tool to paint over that mistake with that color. As a result, the distraction was gone. Finally, I used the dodge and burn tool to put emphasis on the sunlight reflecting off of the bike. It ultimately made the picture “pop”.
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