Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport Wheel: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Lalana Tan (2017)

The assignment was to take 100+ photos of things with wheels, with no motors. We had to put them into contact sheets, and choose one good one to make an artist statement of. The one I chose was of a bike wheel, taking up a little more than half of the frame. To the side of it was the top of a building, and in the wheel in the background were trees (so it seems like the wheel is framing the trees). The rest of the background is a clear sky. I took it at a slight upward angle, with the 4:00 sun as natural lighting. I simply enjoyed the way the wheel took the space of the picture at the angle I was taking it from. The way the wheel framed the trees was not intentional, but I enjoyed it as well, so I kept the picture. I chose the bike wheel because it was a simple enough object to find creative angles with.

In Photoshop Adobe, I learned about how to use the sliders to edit and enhance the colors, hues, and lighting of the picture. In my picture, I simply adjusted the colors to be a bit cooler with a slight teal tint. I also adjusted the lighting to be a bit brighter, so the sky had a gradient from white to blue. I did that because I thought it looked nice. This all helped the final composition to have brighter colors and have a colder tint to it.
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