Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport Photo: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Layla Dessouki (2017)

For my project, I photographed one of my brother’s skateboards. I chose this object because it had a pretty sticker on its underside, and I liked the texture that it had on the other side. I chose to photograph outside in the middle of the day, so I could take full advantage of the natural light. The background is outdoors because typically, skateboards are used and found outside, and I wanted to capture it in its natural environment. I photographed the skateboard from underneath it, because when we look at skateboards, we are standing above them, and don’t see the bottom.

In this project, I didn’t make any drastic changes in photoshop. There were some distracting objects on one side of the photo, which I cropped out. I also thought the colors were slightly dull so I changed the saturation to make the colors more interesting and pleasant to look at.
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