Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Nicholas Fletcher (2017)

For this project we were assigned to get a creative snapshot of an object that has the ability to transport someone or something. It was suggested that we could catch the object at an angle or perspective that we wouldn’t usually see. I decided to photograph a wheelchair during sunrise, taking from a lower angle to give the effect that it was just the wheelchair and the morning sky. I chose to take the photos during sunrise because I knew that the colors would show the effect I was looking to convey. Moving to the object itself, I chose the wheelchair because it wasn’t really mentioned in the conversations about different objects, and I thought it would be a cool item to show in an inspirational way like I attempted to. Talking about the placement, I had the wheelchair on top of my car and took a photo from the ground level, looking up at the wheelchair with the sunrise in the background. Looking at the composition overall, I believe that my attempts to send the vibe that I was looking for went well.

For my Photoshop changes, they were mostly color based. I was trying to bring out the vibrant pinks and oranges in the original photo, and I believe I succeeded in doing that looking at my final photo. Over the course of editing I learned about Photoshop that it is definitely about subtlety, and anything that is majorly changed makes the photo’s overall quality go down greatly. Learning how to balance color changes really helped with my overall composition, and also making sure I could keep my photo looking professional with cropping. Specifically I edited the cropping and the colors, with the colors including the tint, saturation, whites, blacks, and brightness. Changing these specific things helped me bring across the message I was trying to portray with this photo.
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