Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Flaming Speed: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Nina Clauer (2017)

I chose a toy car because it was a nice representation of a moving vehicle that could in a different model have a engine, but doesn’t in this version. I chose the bright orange car in front of a fence by sunset to make it look like the car was on fire. I thought it was really pleasing because the fire represents the car moving fast, but my car wasn’t really moving as much as it could of been.I was experimenting with unnatural angles, and decided to go with a front side angle of the car. The car is in an impossible situation where it is stuck, and can't move, however it looks like it can speed up at any second. The shadows off the ledge are really sharp and dark to represent that danger and sharp edge.

A specific element I changed in the photo is I added warmth to make it even glow more. I increased the yellow tones in Adobe Photoshop color balance. I also made the colors more intense to draw even more attention to the photo by turning up the saturation and intensity.
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