Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transportation: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Owen Daniels (2017)

My object in the photograph is a long board. The setting is in the a tree in my backyard. I wanted to do something interesting with my longboard, so I thought that putting it in a tree would add some mystery and wonder to the piece. I made sure to avoid getting anything urban in the shot, except for the longboard of course. I have a wheel in the back left of the frame, and a wheel in the top right edge of the frame, as I wanted to place the longboard in the focus, while still retaining the wheels as a pivotal part of the piece. I choose the longboard because it was very nostalgic to me. I also choose my angle in order to resemble some mystery.

In photoshop, I wanted to challenge myself by making the piece with as little as editing as possible, but I did want the piece to be a bit warmer in tone. I turned up the yellow color filter in photoshop RAW editing in order to make the piece feel warmer. I turned down the cool colors as well. I also made the pink red colors pop a bit, as there were a few pink flowers that I wanted to point out in my piece.
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