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Back: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Reid Shimabukuro (2017)

The objects I chose, a set of bicycles on a rack, are a common sight in most of these local areas. I thought that choosing a familiar object would give the setting a sense of nostalgia or homeliness- an already nostalgic object in a more nostalgic environment(a school bike rack) is meant to highlight these emotions. The shadow of the school building behind it creates a natural contrast between the light of the sun behind the bikes and the dark tambark beneath. The bike kickstand is purposely left in to grab the attention of the viewer, while the angle of the wheels creates a leading line which takes one’s eyes from the front of the tires to the back, where the natural light is best in view. The background keeps the brown bin in as it best reflects the light I wanted to go under the darker colors of the bike wheel in the back. I also place the camera from the ground, tilted just barely up to give the illusion of small scale- I wanted the viewer to be able to take in everything here, as well as set up a proper leading line with the perspective of the bike wheel.

From Photoshop I was able to learn how to apply a blur to only certain parts of an image, as well as giving the photo a simple crop to try and only focus on the important parts of the actual photo. Using the smearing tool I applied it over the tambark, which I felt had been taking away too much focus from the scenery, and allowed the background and natural light to come out more. I then noticed that an extra roof of solar panels as well as clouds and the back of a car was intruding on parts of the background which I felt were better off on their own, and so cropped them out from the left top corner.
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