Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Shadow Wheel: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Ryan Kelleher (2017)

The assignment was to take pictures of a man powered transportation vehicle that has wheels, at an interesting angle. The object in my photograph was a wave board that my family has had for about seven years. My older brothers used the wave boards much more than I did and wanted to add their own customization to the board, so they spray painted it with different colors. The paint is very old and that is why in the photo the viewer can see the paint chipping off. One of the main reasons I wanted to use the wave board was because of the interesting color changes that would go on between the chipping paint and the silver metal underneath. For the angle I shot the photograph at, I wanted to match the angle that the wave board was resting at. This particular angle gave the picture a silhouette of the object in the background creating a very interesting photo. For lighting I took the photograph in the sun light when the sun was near setting. that is why the full shadow isn’t in the photo. I thought that by shooting close to sunset I would get cool shadows and light in between blinding and too dark to see.

The changes I made in Photoshop were very subtle. One specific change I made was to increase the saturation of the photo. The reason why I wanted to increase the saturation was to increase the contrast between the chipped paint and the silver of the metal even more. I learned how to add different layers for saturation and use the eye button to see the previous image and see the photo with the changes without officially applying them. Another thing I edited was a string that hung down from the wheel. The string was yellow and brought more attention to itself than to the wheel. To get rid of the string I used the spot healing band aid tool.
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