Freestyle Academy proudly presents

N/A: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Samantha Chin (2017)

The assignment that was assigned is the Transport Photo Production. This is where we were supposed to take a picture of something that can transport you or something that doesn’t have a engine. My object is a bike, but instead on focusing on the whole bike, I focused on just the pedal and gear. I got lower to the ground so the pedal was the main focus in the photo. At the side of the pedal there was a orange reflector that I thought was a interesting because all my other colors weren’t as bright. The orange popped out in the photo. This was taken outside, so I used a ISO of 100. I chose this object because I used to ride my bike to get me places like school or jobs. I chose the pedal because that is what helps to fuel the bike to go.

I learned that Photoshop is used to only put subtle touches onto the photo to make it look better. I applied the eraser to erase dirt marks or little dots in the photo that I did not want in my photo. I used the dropper to match the correct colors to really make my object more clean and to make it look like the bike was clean.
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