Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Pink Wheels: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Sukie Dakin (2017)

For this Transport Project, we were assigned to find a non-motorized vehicle of our choice, that had to have wheels. The object I chose for this project was my pastel, yellow Penny Board. I placed my board so that the top wheels were resting on the gate above, and the back wheels were closer to the camera, to hopefully elongate the look of the board. I focused on the back two wheels and made sure to emphasize the dirt and scratches littered all over the board, to show that the board was very used. To emphasize the “worn look” of the board, I decrease the saturation and used more shadowing to create the depth of the wheels in the bottom right of the photo. I wanted the photo to make the eye move from right to left, rather than the traditional left to right, and I did this by placing the board at this certain angle, where the tip of board in the upper right corner. I also made sure to focus on the wheels in order for the rest of the board to be blurred into the background.

Before Freestyle, I had absolutely no idea how to work Photoshop. Now that I’ve had this project to learn and practice using specific tools with, I’m a lot more comfortable with using this program. Specifically, I learned how to control the balance of light exposure and shadowing, which was really helpful because it allowed me to add more depth to my photo and make the image seem less two-dimensional. Learning how to use this application allowed me to explore so many options in making decisions for deciding how I want my final projects to look and what emotions and messages I want it to evoke and convey.
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