Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Solitary Villager: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Brandon Johnson (2017)

I chose a bike for my object and placed it on it’s side on the ground. I shot it in dark lighting and had only concrete as the background of the image. I chose these conditions to give an alone and desolate feel. I chose this object because it has many pieces to it that are in different places and do different things. I could do a lot with it.

With Photoshop, I learned how to select a certain piece of an image and isolate it. With this new isolated layer, I could modify it by changing the colors of it or the brightness of it. I also learned how to modify the colors of an image and change them to my liking. Learning these skills made me able to get my artistic point across and made me able to create a final composition. Specifically, I made the image black and white, increased the brightness, and made the reflector the only thing of color on the bicycle. The reflector is red in the image.
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