Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Transport: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Brooke Bettinger (2017)

For my transport project, I photographed a teal bike’s tire, but through this tire, you can see a blue bike in the background. I photographed this because I thought the tire would be an excellent frame for something else in the image. I played around with this, taking photos of bikes through other bikes. I wanted to make the colors vibrant without being grossly over saturated, so I tried to make the lighting show off the colors of both the focal point bike, and the bike in the background. I thought it would be interesting to show how these two separate objects “interact” with each other through my photo.

In this project, I learned how to effectively use Adobe Photoshop. I had expected to spend hours and hours, changing every aspect of my picture when using Photoshop. However, I realized that if I already had a photo I was proud of, I only really had to change things I wanted to. I made the colors more vibrant, and I adjusted the curves of the light in order to show off the color of the turquoise bike. I learned how to use curves while editing a photo, and I learned of the importance of layers when using Photoshop.
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