Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Flowboard: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Chloe Christiansen (2017)

For my transport object I wanted to choose a wheeled object that is not often seen, something that is unusual and unexpected. I remembered that my brother owns a “Flowboard”, which is a skateboard that has 16 wheels, and unfortunately is extremely ineffective as a means of transport, but is intended for this purpose. I like my final image because the depth of focus puts the viewers attention on the first wheel in a row of 8 wheels, only three of which can be percepted. When the viewer first looks at it, it looks like an ordinary skateboard, so it is disorienting and interesting (to me) that there are two more wheels visible in the background. The lighting of the photo is also appealing to me because I took the photo in the evening so it is somewhat warm but not overly saturated, and I attempted to utilize the rule of thirds with the focal point being the bolt that secures the wheel to the truck in the left third third of the photo. The variance of texture is also something that I wanted to accentuate, and it can be seen by the contrast between the smooth, shiny reflectiveness of the trucks next the the dirty, possibly moldy wheels of the skateboard (which has been ridden once, and has been sitting in an open shed in the elements). There were a few dark objects visible but not in clarity in the background that were distracting, so I removed them using content aware fill.
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