Freestyle Academy proudly presents

4.002: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Eloise Gilbert-Fagen (2018)

My flash fiction was about a person named Sharon who lived in the arctic and worked at a balloon factory inflating balloons. She always wanted to do something else with her life but never had the courage to do it. At the end of the story she finds a teal balloon in the midst of her usual dull-colored balloons. This causes her to become inspired to take a risk and do something besides inflating balloons.

My process was that I did everything in illustrator. I tried to make the character contrast with the background by making the background cool-toned and the character warm-toned. My background was an iceberg and the animals I chose was a fox, a dolphin, and an owl. I chose a fox because my character is resourceful and a bit scrappy, I chose a dolphin because my character is smart yet cheerful, and I chose an owl because the character is observant.
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