Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Escape: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Evelyn Potter (2018)

My flash fiction story was about a fish who is stuck in his fish bowl and he always wanted to escape and see the world. The fish, Bubbles, escaped his bowl and traveled into the city by hopping in people’s water bottles, into water fountains, until he arrives at the beach and jumps in the ocean. Bubbles winds up washing on the shore as he was placed back into a bowl.

The animals I used to represent Bubbles were a hawk, a deer, a chameleon, and a lion. I used these animals because they have similar characteristics as Bubbles does, curious, imaginative, quiet, and outgoing. The background I created was a jungle because in my narrative, Bubbles was lost, discovering the world, and he did not know where he was. This is similar to a jungle because in the jungle there is so much land and it is covered in trees so it is very easy to get lost. My process of drawing and creating my animal and the background on Illustrator was to create a different layer for each part of the drawing. I began with the deer body of the animal and created a new layer for every different body part. I then created my background and added different brush strokes to add the effect of water or trees. After everything was created, I picked two color schemes, one for my animal and one for my background. I am pleased with my work because this is my first project using illustrator and creating something in it. If I could change something I would spend more time to add highlights and shadows and also spend more time on my color schemes.
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