Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Triumph: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Francesca Seni (2018)

In English, we were assigned a project to write a Flash Fiction story. My character is a girl who lives on an island, but feels trapped within its borders. She is standing on long bridge that connects to the island when she sees a newborn turtle. She feels obliged to help the baby get to the water, so she picks him up and dives into the ocean with him. The turtle helped her escape her feelings of imprisonment on the island, and in the end they live free together in the ocean.

To begin the Design portion of the project, we exampined animals and their most prominent features. I started by looking at rabbits, cockatoos, and hammerhead sharks noting long ears, mohawk feathers, and an unusually shaped head. Noting these features I could begin to brainstorm characteristics that I associated with my character and connect them to animals. My finished project only includes a deer and a dove in the hybrid, but I had originally planned on including an elephant, rabbit, and penguin. In order to begin the actual creation of a hybrid creature that reflects the characteristics of my Flash Fiction character, I opened up my sketch pad and drew many preliminary sketches of how the character would look and what she would wear. Later, I took pictures of my mother in various positions that I used to get an idea for the outline of my character. I used various other photos of my selected animals to either trace over or base my creation off of. The doe body represents my character’s more timid but caring side, while the dove wings hints at the sense of adventure that lies within her. Finally, the dress, modeled after the wings of a Blue Morpho butterfly emphasizes my character’s regal personality. I was very happy with the end result, proud of the fact that I was able to tie in a color scheme in the end, although if given the time, I may have chosen a more specific style of animation to mimic and added more details to the water.
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