Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Interview: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Layla Dessouki (2018)

The animals I used to create this character are a camel, an elephant, and a beaver. My flash fiction is about a girl going into an interview for a college she is applying to. This girl has had struggles with anxiety in the past, and it is causing her to struggle in this interview. The character it is based on from my flash fiction is smart, has perseverance, and is hard working.

I chose the elephant to represent intelligence. I used the camel to represent resilience. I used the beaver to represent hard working. My setting is a road lined with trees. I chose this setting because it represents having something to cross over to, and how it can be difficult but rewarding.Using Illustrator, I used the pen tool to outline body parts of each animal so I could put them together. I then used various shape tools to create things I hadn’t been able to trace, such as the eyes and the lines on the beaver tail. For my setting, I used many geometric shapes to create things, then traced them so I could fill in the parts that weren’t an object.
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