Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Why?: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Nevo Shaked (2018)

My English flash fiction Story is about a dog named Twitter, who got abandoned by his owner and left in a park. The park is a place that the dog is unfamiliar with.

I started to think of the characteristics of my main character. With these traits, I searched online for some animal stereotypes that are associated with these character traits. Then I began to sketch an idea for my character. The traits include: happy like a dog, coward like a chicken, energized like a rabbit, and shy like a turtle. We learned in class about linear perspective and about how to draw lines to show perspective. We had to put some linear perspective into our illustration, but I didn’t know where to fit this in, so I decided to design a cabin in the background. The most difficult part of this project was dealing with the software itself, (Adobe Illustrator) because I didn’t know how to use that software before. In my story, when there is the scene of the dog getting abandoned, the sky is grey, so I decided to give my character some winter clothes like a sweater and gloves. I decided that instead of using a park like in my story, to place my Illustration in the forest. This is because the forest is vast and it’s a metaphor of feeling like a small creature in the real world. I am very pleased with my work, and I think I did a great job. If I could change something, maybe I could add some details like shadows to the character and the environment.
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