Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dazed: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Nicholas Fletcher (2018)

My flash fiction was basically the story of a man, Ceno, who wakes up dazed and confused. He sees a person leave the house he wakes up in, and the phone rings and he’s given an address. He goes to the address and finds an abandoned building, and explores it. He basically finds the girl that left his house and once he goes to grab her, he wakes up from a coma and finds out he was in a car crash with his girlfriend and she is still in the coma.

Basically, I started with a picture of a seal, and traced it and filled it with a grey to lighter grey gradient. I also used the mouth and claws of honey badger, and a horn or rhino. My biggest difficulty was attempting to make my linear perspective believable. I used a barren wasteland scene to convey confusion, as a seal is an aquatic animal. I used the three animals to portray different aspects of my character. The seal is for curiosity, the honey badger is for determination, and the rhino is for timidness. Overall I’m happy with my design of my animal, but I think my background be a little less plain.
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