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Addicted to Roxanne: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Rebecca Pristavok (2018)

This illustration is inspired by a fictional story that I wrote in my English class. The story is about a man who is addicted to ice cream. After breaking into ice cream parlors and getting arrested for a second time, the main character is sentenced to four weeks of Ice Cream Addicts Anonymous. During the ICAA meeting, he meets a feisty and spontaneous woman named Rozanne, who is also extremely addicted. After falling in love with her through the course of the meeting, she asks him to accompany her on an ice cream heist. After devouring tubs of ice cream, the police show up and give the main character another notice, sentencing him to more ICAA. In my illustration, I drew Roxanne through animals that portray her personality.

I chose to portray her through a hybrid of a wolf, a lovebird and a cat. The wolf is to portray her rough and fearless traits, the lovebird is to show the romantic aspects , and the cat is to display her feisty nature. I started off by drawing sketches of the hybrid on paper, and then moved to finding and tracing images of each animal on Adobe Illustrator. I then sized and placed and body part and animal to complete the base of Roxanne. I had trouble with deciding on her size due to the drastic difference between a wolf and bird. I chose to place her as if she were walking towards an ice cream truck, drooling to the thought of it. An independent ice cream truck helped show her independence prior to the ice cream parlor, for she was alone and it was not introduced in the story. I am overall extremely happy with Roxanne’s turnout and I think that he outfit and physique display her personality perfectly.
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