Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Exodus: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Ethan Briens (2017)

My Lyrical Essay, called “The Exodus” portrays the story of a german immigrant coming to the US. I learned from my interviewee that people are very closed off and it’s hard to join groups when your new sometimes.

My passage “The little bit that pulls you away from everyone else, in the Land of the Free.” This passage inspired my photography because I wanted an image that portrayed release and freedom to go along with my topic of immigration and integration into society.

For my final edit I adjusted exposure to lighten to picture along with brightness and contrast to better distinguish the lights and darks. To create the black and white effect I simply used a black and white filter on photoshop. The font I used is a handwritten cursive font because I wanted to show emotion and I felt it was best portrayed by familiar fonts. To place my text I used text wrap and repetition of the same sentence to give the best outline of my image.
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