Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Noisy Pride: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Jacqueline Ta (2017)

surface-level introduction

I chose this specific passage to inspire my photography because I related a lot to my interview subject through it. Sleep is meant to be a peaceful moment but for many people, it can also be fragile. Our pasts, hopes, and futures can haunt us before sleep. During the interview, I had the impression this is where the past and future collided for her. It was where she became frail and so easily swept away. This particular photo is of a butterfly surrounded by waves on a beach. It was a particularly windy day and the waves had started crashing harder as the sun hid behind the clouds. I hurried to capture the scene as I felt the butterfly and the moment a nearly missed instant. Here, it peacefully rests. It lives its life as it wishes despite harsh waves and such dismal conditions. Before painting this butterfly in Photoshop, I chose a color theme from Pantone: A Color Resource book. The theme was an intimate atmosphere with soft pinks and purples. To color the butterfly, I painted using the brush tool. For the font, the font is elegant like the butterfly and interviewee. As for the arrangement of the image, I actually created it all rather tediously. First, I used the pen tool in Photoshop to create a vague shape of the butterfly. Next, I typed out the passage and finally transformed and warped them to fit along the sides of the butterfly’s shape. Every single word has been touched and fiddled with by me.
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