Freestyle Academy proudly presents

GO: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Peter Zdepski (2017)

For this project we were tasked at taking an original photo with a telephoto sense and to tie it to our listener lyrical essay. I chose the quote “A natural builder, paving the way” from my essay for the quote, as my subject matter had lots to do with being tied down by others or finding yourself later in life. I chose to take a picture of a quiet suburban street with a stop sign in frame as I thought it provided good leading lines for my photo. In order to emphasize the stop sign I used masks in photoshop in order to have It keep its color while the rest of the photo was dulled. The stop sign represents the naysayers or things that may be tying you down but beyond it is a peaceful suburban neighborhood, representing the rewards you could achieve if you don't listen to those people and put your mind towards a goal.
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