Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Mountaineer: A Senior Narrative Production by Aidan O'Leary (2018)

I created a movie poster based on my author study project in English. I did my study is on Hemingway’s collection of short stories titled In Our Time. For my imitation of Hemingway, I wrote about a terrifying, but captivating man who goes to conquer a mountain and is followed by a lighthearted group of individuals who admire him.

In Illustrator, I used to Pen Tool to draw the mountain. For the background I created a watercolor wash, scanned it, imported it into Illustrator and added a gaussian blur. I like that it appears more textured and random than simply using the gradient tool to make the background. Next, I used the Flare Tool to give the image more dimension and make the sun look more realistic.

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