Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sirop Pour la Toux: A Senior Narrative Production by Sarah Chiu (2018)

In my English short story, the main character, Lane, is on a vacation to France with his family, except this year, they are down one member. Lane’s father walked out on his family 2 days before take off. Krista, the mother, is determined to avoid conflict and Lily, her 6 year old, is too young to know better. This denial is silently driving Lane crazy, until he accidentally drinks too much of expired night time cough syrup and bursts.

To create my illustration, I took several different photos of different components of the poster that I would need and traced them with the brush tool in Photoshop, using the same technique and tutorial that I had learned in class to create a “Photoshop painting” of an animal of our choice. If I did this again I would use a stronger brush opacity when tracing the hotel room background to make certain aspects emphasized instead of nothing emphasized. To create the title, I used the liquify tool in Photoshop to create a swirl-y texture within the text and drops dripping off of the text. This style is in reference to the cough syrup that Lane drank in the short story, connecting also to the title which is “cough syrup” in French. My short story can be found on my website on the English page, which you can access from the drop down menu if using a mobile phone or the top bar menu if using a laptop or tablet. This movie poster can also be found on my website on the Design page and on the Film page, a short film which is loosely connected from my English short story.

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