Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Senior Narrative Production by Teagan Cimring (2018)

My movie poster is based on my narrative film that I created with my partner, Charlotte Laurance in our Film II class. Our film is about a girl who takes sleeping pills to help her at night but ends up becoming confused with what is a dream or what is reality. My movie poster is not entirely the same as the film, as you can see the main character in the poster is male but the idea is the same.

I chose to make a movie poster because I felt that I would be able to relate this type of project the most to my project in film. I decided to only pictures that I have taken and then edit them in Photoshop to create my final piece. To make the movie poster took many different steps. I first started out editing the boy in Photoshop. I then took the background image and turned it into an outlined image with a different background color through photoshop. Then I put the two pieces together and moved them into InDesign to complete the text portion of the poster. Once that was complete I put the whole thing back in Photoshop to add the finishing touches. I am very excited about how my poster turned out because I used a lot of different techniques in both Photoshop and InDesign. I am extremely happy with all of the new skills I have gained in the aforementioned programs.

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