Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Face Value: A Senior Narrative Production by Charlotte Laurance (2018)

My narrative project is an album cover titled Face Value. It is based on a story I wrote in english that focuses on a family dealing with issues that are affecting their everyday lives. My illustration is of six faces using different color combinations. I wanted to draw the faces because because it obviously fit with the name, but I also wanted to illustrate different characters to represent a family.

I did my illustrations in Illustrator using the paintbrush tool. I chose to do an album cover because I liked the size of the templates, but also felt that an album cover is able to say so much with so little words. After drawing my illustrations and placing them on my indesign template, I decided to put them against a black background so they would pop. I am so pleased with my work because it was not a particularly difficult process. I am very happy that the final product represents me, as well as my story.

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