Freestyle Academy proudly presents

shtëpinë e gjyshes: A Junior Personal Illustration by Bija Haxhicani (2019)

The personal illustration assignment was open for us to create a piece of art using Adobe Illustrator. For my illustration I was inspired to create something that made me feel happy through these past stressful weeks. Therefore, I  used an image I captured in Montenegro this past summer from my grandparents house. This view was one that I aways viewed every morning while having a cup of coffee with my grandma. Those memories are ones I constantly cherish till this day and wish to have occur every day. With Adobe Illustrator, I traced over this image and added a couple touches of flowers using symbols so the illustration could appear more 'full.' This illustration fortunately reminds me a lot as the view from my grandmothers which as writing this, makes me filled with joy and happiness. Related website
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