Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Aboriginal: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Kyra Palmbush (2019)

I chose a hummingbird as my spirit animal because of their delicate nature and ability to fly quickly from one spot to the next. In my life, I am able to balance many activities, but often I feel like a hummingbird, going a hundred miles an hour. I am also sensitive and occasionally feel as fragile as a hummingbird. I also love the vibrant colors of hummingbirds. They draw your attention with their beautiful wings and speed. Sometimes, I can be outgoing like a hummingbird, drawing people in.

In order to create this piece I focused on using different principles of design. You can see my use of emphasis and proportion as my dots vary in size. I also focused on color as I tried to use mainly analogous colors with a complement of orange in order to make my piece pop. The repetition of dots throughout the piece adds to its sense of unity. I created balance with the different sizes of flowers in comparison to the hummingbird. Related website
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